It's finally over.
I have gone to my last class, written my last paper, taken my last exam. I am now (unofficially) a Master of the Environment (MuHAHA!!). These last few months have really kicked my butt and it feels so good to hit the finish line.
Amidst all the craziness of deadlines, I managed to host my friends Lisa and Matt for 9 days (a couple of weeks back) during which time we took an insane road trip to Uluru. 7-days of driving through arid and semi-arid outback and generally being in the middle of nowhere! Ahh yes, two dreams fufilled in one month. Now if I could only find some Cheeze-Its in this damn country! More pics on tis trip in the next blog.
Sadly, I went and made our last rent payment today. With only 28 days left in Australia, it's time to sell off most of our household items, say our goodbyes and bugger off. It's been a ton of fun but its time to get back home and get a J.O.B. Hopefully one that pays good M.O.N.E.Y. So I can go on another T.R.I.P.S.
I'm really looking forward to getting back though. PLAYING DRUMS AGAIN, seeing my family and friends, and especially meeting my new nephew Ethan Jeffrey Brouillard (on left) who was born on May 27th at a whopping 9 lbs - 12 oz.!! For more pics see the link to my sister Suzanne's blog to the top right.
OK, ttfa.
See you all REAL soon!!
At Saturday, June 17, 2006 12:25:00 AM, VMan said…
You're a Master of the Environement, I'm Master of the Universe.....oh, wait, that's He Man, not VMan. Damn!
At Sunday, June 18, 2006 1:02:00 AM, Bill Elms said…
Congrats E!!!! Mmmm Cheez-its.
At Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:15:00 AM, Kristine said…
Hey E! I know what you mean about Cheez-its!! I have the same problem!!! I missed you sooo much today at the wedding. I know you have your priorities, but I hope you have a chance to come down sometime, after you earn some money to do so.
Congrats on your degree! So exciting!! Greg has a request! If you have a digital camera with the video function on it, could you please take a video of the toilet flushing the opposite way? Strange request, eh? Mr. Science wants some proof.
Love ya!
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